Our WooCommerce laundry service plugin has a new feature addition as ‘Category based laundry servicing time setup’. This allow to setup different servicing time for each type of laundry. Like say a particular category of clothing requires 1 day for laundry servicing. So customer can choose any date on delivery date picker calendar that is a day later of the chosen pickup date. But cloths from other category may require at least 3 days for laundry servicing. In that case customer can choose any date on delivery date picker calendar that is at least 3 days later of chosen pickup date.( Pickup date chosen on previous step.)
To accommodate that a new feature has been added on version 1.0.1 that is to set the laundry servicing days as required for each categories.
Below we show the page where these settings can take place.
Category based laundry servicing time setup page
When single type of laundry in cart
So if we take a product under category 4 ( product seven )
Then we see on delivery date time selection section of checkout page date-picker calendar allow to pick any date that is at least three days away from chosen pickup date (in our case we have pickup date as November 13) –
Again if we add a product to cart from category 1 ( product one ). Then we will see as this category require 1 day of servicing time. So the delivery date picker calendar allow to pick any date that is one day away from pickup date(13th November).
In case of mixed type of laundry in cart
In case there are 2 product of different categories like product 7 and product 1 ( category 3 and category 1, scroll back to very first screen-shot)
Then the delivery date-picker calendar allow to choose any date that is at-least three days away from chosen pickup date. It check for categories from which each product was added in cart. Next then the highest number of days required for servicing will be calculated from those categories. SO it will allow to choose any date that is at least that highest number of days away from chosen pickup date that is 3 days.
So when customer come to choose a delivery date at second step of checkout page it blocks 3 days from chosen pickup date(in our case its 13th November).
Your peace of mind
This way you can set up the category wise laundry servicing time. SO you can now make the process smother. This provide you enough time for your dry cleaning. There is no tension of the customer’s phone call.
Now set your own servicing days to make sure the laundries can be delivered comfortably. That bring satisfaction to your customer.
Category based laundry servicing time setup feature is added in version 1.0.1.