Does X postcode have a different charge from that of Y postcode? Now adding Day Charges per Postcode is available in WooODT Extended. Read on
In many cases certain vendor have different charges for different post codes. Here we talk about a similar customisation which has day charges per postcode in WooCommerce. This helps those who need to add specific amount for specific postcodes.
Back end
As you can see we have an extra menu. This menu shows the zip codes and the day as well for you to set up the amount , this is an extra advantage as you can set up different amount for different dates unlike one amount for all the dates. Of course if you do have one amount for all the days you can just fill the same number for all.

Front End
Once Day charges per postcode is set up as per your convenience you can the check the out come on front end. We have attached screenshots for the same. You can of course ask for live demo of this.

Once the postcode and the day is added you can see the result as below because of the setup done at the back end
Note – If you do need Day wise as well as time wise amount that will be extra customisation. Our blog is coming up on that as well.

Please contact or fill the contact us form if you need this category per location customisation for you. Or if you feel you need change in logic. Note they will be a part of paid support for both Pro Version and free one.
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This is one of the many customisation that we can do on our plugin. Please feel free to ask any other kind you may require. Keep and eye on the blog for more updates on customisation which you may find unique to the market.