Many have come to us with the problem that there is fatal error upon activation of WooODT Exteneded Pro. They can not get our plugin Pro version to activate the error block the action.
Many have come to us with the problem that there is fatal error upon activation of WooODT Exteneded Pro. They can not get our plugin Pro version to activate. The error blocks the action. When the Plugin is downloaded and then installed, then the plugin will install normally but when you want to activate it it will show the following errorFatal error: Cannot redeclare byconsolewooodt_footer_script() (previously declared in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/byconsole-woo-order-delivery-time/ByConsoleWooODT.php:1491) in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/ByConsoleWooODTExtended/ByConsoleWooODT.php on line 35491 As shown below

You will understand if this is a free plugin active error by the words byconsole-woo-order-delivery-time in the error as shown below /var/www/wp-content/plugins/byconsole-woo-order-delivery-time/ByConsoleWooODT.php:1491) in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/ByConsoleWooODTExtended/ByConsoleWooODT.php on line 35491
So if any error you see does not have the above in the error string that means we need to look at it. Please immediately mail us at with order number and wp-admin preferably FTP to our folder. To go thorough rest of the blog –
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