Are you looking for special delivery & pickup time slots for certain dates? Keep delivery open on special dates with special time slot even if the date falls on your weekly closing days or holidays. WooODT Extended plugin allow you to create different time slots for specific calendar dates, that override regular time slots on those dates.
We noticed some of vendors need special day wise time slot. Yes, here we are talking about this type of similar customization which fulfill the requirement of those vendors who want some special time slots for some of special dates individually.
- Here we explained below how it works actually.
Back end
As you can see in the below pic here we managed Holidays & Open Date menu. In the Pickup Special Open Dates, we put down some special dates as the requirement. Similarly, we set the Delivery Special Open Dates as the requirement.

Next Step:
Next we set the special day time slot menu, as you can see this extra menu in the below pic.

The Back end setup:
Front end
Here you can check the the outcome of the front end, after finishing the back end settings. We also have attached screenshot of the front end checkout page below. It will look like this. You can also ask for live demo of this.

Please contact or fill the contact us form if you need this Special dates with special time slots customization for you. Or, if you feel you need change in logic. Note this will be a part of paid support for Pro Version only.
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This is one of the many customization that we can do on our plugin. Please feel free to ask any other kind you may require. Keep and eye
NB: This article was written for the version 1.1.6