Getting fatal error on activating the "Pickup | Delivery | Dine-in – Pro" plugin?? Just deactivate your free plugin and then activate your pro plugin. After that try to check. The error will be fixed automatically.
Sometimes, we get this type of query from few clients, when they activate the pro-version of the “Pickup | Delivery | Dine-in – Pro” plugin, they get this type of fatal error as the below. Why??
“Fatal error: Cannot redeclare byconsolewooodtrestro…..”
If you see this type of error On activating of “Pickup | Delivery | Dine-in – Pro” plugin, then you just need to deactivate your free version of this plugin, and then activate the pro version. Then check it. It will be fixed.
Note: In case, still, you have facing any type of error on activating our plugin, please contact to