Does the zip codes under X shipping zone only have pickup option ? Do postcode nearest to your shop have both order type available to them. Now you can set this up via a special customisation which will allow you to set order type per postcode.
In this blog we talk about another type of customisation which came to us a while back i.e Order Type per Postcode.
So in some of the cases a vendor can only allow pickup from certain post code. rather than both. This is slightly different to the one described in our Blog – As it will only read the postcode and then show the ORDER TYPE instead of nearest location( as described in the link)
When we add the said plugin feature to the original plugin, you will notice and extra menu POSTCODE PICKUP DELIVERY. Here the postcodes entered in the shipping zone section will show there along with the option to choose either pickup or delivery or both.

So here you can set the type you want for the desired postcode range. Once the system is saved you can check it in checkout page as shown by the front end screenshot. Here 600001 is set for delivery only. So once you choose the pin code you will get the alert, in case the order type is incorrect. As mentioned above the other blog regarding WooCommerce shipping radius is different in that case the system will read the distance.This checks the postcode.

Please contact support@byconsole.com or fill the contact us form if you need this Order Type per Postcode customisation for you. Note they will be a part of paid support for both Pro Version and free one.
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This is one of the many customisation that we can do on our plugin. Please feel free to ask any other kind you may require. Keep and eye on the blog for more updates on customisation which you may find unique to the market.