Setup pre-order days and minimum waiting days for WooCommerec order delivery on your store. On WooODT Extended first settings page control value in Pre-order days and Pre-Order restriction days filed.
Many have come to us in order to set the plugin in a way that delivery dates and pickup dates are open only after certain days from today or are open till certain days. We have settings which allow the same.
We will checkout how to control Pre-order days and minimum waiting days for WooCommerec order delivery.
This settings field allow to decide how many days from today’s date you allow to select a delivery date or pickup date.
At the back-end you will find the settings and then you can follow the screenshot for easy setup.
Result – It allow to select any delivery date or pickup date from today(that is 1st June, 2019) to next 5 days(that is 6th June, 2019).
This setting field allow you to decide after how many days a delivery date or pickup date can be selected from order placing date.
To set up the Pre-order Days restriction please follow the below –
Result – it blocks two days(as per value in settings filed that is two for now) from now. Only allow to select a delivery date or pickup date from 3rd June, (today’s date 1st June + 2 more days as preorder restrictions days), today and tomorrow will be grayed out and can not be selected.
This way you can set up the settings and you can set up both as well which will result like below. |
Get the plugin here.
How to setup:

4 comments on “Pre-order days and minimum waiting days for WooCommerec order delivery”
January 9, 2020 at 3:31 amIs it also possible for example that customer can only order till 13.00 for the next day delivery, but also possible order in two days. That means to have a time cutout for the next day delivery but no cutout for the day after next day?
M Dalabar
January 27, 2020 at 4:38 pm“customer can only order till 13.00 for the next day delivery”
– Yes this feature already exist in current plugin.
“time cutout for the next day delivery but no cutout for the day after next day?”
– Yes it does not apply cutoff time for orders placed for delivery on day after tomorrow.
February 3, 2021 at 7:44 pmIs it possible to make preorder restriktion for only one category, and not them all.
M Dalabar
April 7, 2021 at 3:48 pmHi,
That will require you a customization from, you can check it here Pre-order days restriction per category