If you want to integrate the Laundry plugin availability by postcode, No need to worry now. We have updated that feature in our latest version.
Sometimes, we got that query from some of customers that they don’t want search by postcode in their frontend site. First of all, if you have the same query, please make sure that, -are you using the oldest version of our plugin? If you don’t want search by postcode in Laundry plugin, just update your plugin to our latest version 1.0.2 . Your problem will be solved. Because, in our Laundry plugin latest version we have updated that feature as the default feature.
But if anyone want to continue with that search by post code feature, then there is some steps need to follow as below we explained.
- There is a short code for the search by postcode as you can see in the below image.

2. As example, if you want to show Search Laundry Service Availability By Postcode on your frontend home page, in that case, you just need to open your backend, then navigate to pages. Here you can get the home page.

2. You can get there the edit option also. Navigate to edit now. You can see the home page like the below image. Here you need to paste the short code and update the page.

Like this in which page you will paste the short code from the back-end, it will show in that page of the front-end .
Now, let’s see the frontened home page, where Search Laundry Service Availability By Postcode should show as you can see in the below image.

So, those were the steps to show the Search by Postcode in any page as per your requirements.
Now you may have priority on this, that postcode need to be match to open your shop page. We also have the solution for this. As you can follow the below steps for this.
- Our Laundry plugin has that feature. You can find the menu Search by postcode there as you can see in the below image.

2. You can get there two option as you can see in the below image.
(A) In the first option, you can see a field for postcode matches, You can put there the shop page URl . In that case, if someone’s postcode matches, then he can reach to the direct shop page
(B) In the second option, you can see the field for post code does not match . For this field, you need to create a page from the back-end pages menu. And put there a error message according to you. Now, copy that URL and paste it to the 2nd field of the below image. Now, if someone’s postcode does not match from the front end he/she will reach directly to that error page.

This feature requires the 1.0.2 version of Laundry plugin.
Do note you can request any kind of customization on the plugin . Note they will be a part of paid support for both Pro Version and free one. Please mail at – support@byconsole.com or connect via CONTACT US for the same. To know more about our plugins- http://plugins.byconsole.com
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