WooCommerce Radius Shipping helps is regulating delivery till a certain distance. If the customer lives beyond it the selection will change to pickup.
There are certain cases in which the delivery is till a specific distance or postcode crossing which the customer has to come and pickup. WooCommerce Radius Shipping is a request many have come to us in search for solution. Yes with a bit of customisation and a combination of 2 plugins it is possible.
NOTE- WooODT Extended ( main plugin ) and Map Plugin ( add on ) is required.
The customisation to achieve the desired result will be paid support and to request same please mail at support@byconsole.com
Delivery up to X distance
In many cases a delivery is possible by the company or vendor party till 5 or 10 Km after which it automatically changes to pickup.

So in above case the full address is calculated against the store warehouse and then as per map if it is outside the desired a alert will come to choose pickup. Once customer click okay the full page will refresh and pickup will be automatically chosen. If it is inside the said distance then no alert.

So here the full distance is calculated. Do note your API key should be correct and valid for map to function properly.
Delivery up to the shipping postcodes
In this case it will check if customer has put postcode within the back end postcodes of WooCommerce shipping section. If not delivery will show the below alert and upon refresh will be selected to pickup.
You need to put the postcode same as the one at the back end or else it will run in a loop i.e

delivery – postcode check – no change to pickup.
Delivery up to the shipping postcodes per Location ( Special Case)
Apart from this WooCommerce Radius Shipping also includes the following feature. So in this case you have multiple locations and each location caters till specific post code as per set in ship[ping settings.The above two scenarios included just one location and overall setup but here location 1 caters til X post code location 2 till Y and so on. In that case the back end setting will be like below

So in that case the customer adds his pin code. The nearest location to him will be selected automatically.
Thus you can see the different permutations or combinations to achieve WooCommerce Radius Shipping . If your scenario doesn’t fall within this please contact support@byconsole.com or online chat to know more. Please do keep in mind this –
1. The first scenario requires Map Addon Plugin
2. These are paid customizations
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